Thursday, February 11, 2010

How To Open American Tourister Locked Where Can I Get My American Tourister Luggage Repaired In Scotland?

Where can I get my American Tourister Luggage repaired in Scotland? - how to open american tourister locked

I just arrived in Edinburgh and is there for a few days before it is damaged to Glasgow, as I have here to open my luggage hard shell, and now refuses to close, I was in an autopilot towards baggage. I really need to get back to work, and I can not find in a radius of 50 miles from Glasgow and Edinburgh.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about it. I'm happy for you because it is a terrible situation to be in.
    My first recommendation would be to ask a luggage room in Scotland for advice.
    If this fails, try a keycutting and repair of shoes. Sometimes these guys are as they fix something and then you say that this is the case on, so that they look at risk.
    If all else fails, please call 1-800-262-8282 American Tourister course (provided you dial the international dialing code), and ask their opinion. Finally, it is their product that is in another continent should not and you definitely have some room to work around you.
    If you have time, please send us an update on how that goes. Best of luck.
